Green Tea Weight Loss - How Green Tea Can Help You Lose Weight

About Green Tea
Green tea has been used for centuries in Asia to treat various ailments, including diabetes, heart disease, and cancer. It also contains antioxidants that boost metabolism and improve overall health. Read more about green tea benefits for weight loss, How to prepare green tea and many other things.
Benefits of Drinking Green Tea for Weight Loss
Green tea is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It’s made from the leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant, which is native to China. It’s believed that drinking green tea can help reduce the risk of certain diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, and some cancers.
1. Boosts Your Metabolic Rate
Your body is constantly burning calories. Even when you’re sleeping or sitting down, your cells are performing millions of functions that require energy. Several studies suggest that green tea can boost metabolism and help people burn 3–4% more calories each day.
2. Your Workout Might Get a Boost
One area to get an unexpected jolt from your new green tea habit is your fitness. Caffeine is a stimulant that activates your nervous system, and it’s an “ergogenic aid,” says Sassos, so sipping green tea before your gym session may help you perform slightly better. But don’t over do it : “Research consistently supports that caffeine has a positive role on physical performance, but it doesn’t affect everyone the same and high doses of caffeine can be dangerous and lead to undesirable side effects like anxiety or upset stomach,” Sassos points out.
3. Fights Abdominal Fat
Not all fat is the same – your body has four different types of fat, each with its molecular structure and health implications. Darker fats are the good kind, so you don’t have to worry about brown and beige fat; white subcutaneous and white visceral fat is what you should be concerned about. Of the two types of white fat, visceral fat is the more dangerous fat found around abdominal organs and is linked to blood cholesterol, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and cancer.
Shedding visceral fat is the most challenging thing for most dieters. Fortunately, green tea is good at burning belly fat – research shows it can reduce visceral fat by 58 per cent. Other studies show that while green tea catechins offer modest weight loss effects, a significant percentage of the fat lost is the harmful visceral fat.
4. Increases Fat Burning, Especially During Exercise
If you look at the label of almost every commercial weight loss and fat-burning supplement, you will likely see green tea listed as an ingredient.
This is because green tea extract has been repeatedly linked to increased fat burning, especially during exercise.
5. It Can Help You Cut Back on Sugar
A high intake of sugar can be one of the biggest saboteurs to overall health. Including sugar- and calorie-free beverages, like unsweetened green tea, in your regular eating style may promote healthy weight loss in the long run.
How Does Green Tea Helps for Weight Loss?
Green tea contains catechins, which are antioxidants that boost metabolism and improve digestion. They also stimulate the release of insulin, which helps with blood sugar regulation. This means that green tea can help people lose weight.
There is substantial evidence that shows green tea as one of the most effective teas for weight loss. Green tea is loaded with potent antioxidants called catechins - the active ingredients linked to weight loss. Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), the most abundant catechin in green tea can boost metabolism and help increase the effects of some fat-burning hormones such as norepinephrine.
Green tea may increase the fat-burning effects of exercise. For instance, one study reported that men who took green tea extract before exercise burned more fat by 17 per cent more fat than men who didn’t take the supplement. Many studies suggest that taking EGCG supplements or green tea extract can make you burn more calories - even at rest.
This powerful antioxidant (EGCG) can also make people consume fewer calories by acting as a natural appetite suppressant that helps you lose weight. Furthermore, green tea is particularly beneficial for reducing harmful abdominal fat that is liked to an increased risk of several diseases, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Studies have shown that green tea extract or catechin supplements can help you lose belly fat. For example, two reviews of many controlled trials on green tea found that people lost about 3 pounds (1.3 kg) on average.
Green tea is also a great source of caffeine, a well-known stimulant that has been found to help your body burns both fat and calories.
How To Prepare Green Tea For Weight Loss
If you want to drink green tea as part of a healthy diet, make sure you buy organic green tea. Organic teas contain no pesticides, herbicides, or other chemicals.
Drinking between 2 and 3 cups of hot green tea throughout the day should be sufficient for supplementing weight loss. The exact amount will vary from person to person, depending on how much caffeine they consume and their natural metabolism.
Green tea comes in a number of varieties but, for weight loss, there are unlikely to be significant differences between them. Plain, minimally processed green teas are likely to have retained the richest nutritional content.
Green tea is considered safe to consume. However, care should be taken in some cases, as large doses of caffeine can pose problems for those at risk of heart problems or with high blood pressure.
How Much Should I Drink A Day?
Drinking green tea regularly has been shown to help people lose weight. It also boosts metabolism, helping you burn calories faster. One study found that drinking two cups of green tea per day increased calorie burning by up to 30 percent.
Other Ways To Lose Weight Using Green Tea
There are several ways to use green tea to lose weight. First, drink at least three cups of green tea each day. Second, add some lemon juice to your water when you make tea. This will boost the antioxidant properties of the tea. Third, eat foods high in antioxidants, such as berries, broccoli, and spinach. These foods contain compounds called polyphenols that help reduce inflammation and improve blood flow to the brain. Fourth, exercise regularly. Exercise burns calories and improves cardiovascular function.
Bottom line:
When it comes to weight loss, green tea's impact is minimal at best, however there are other benefits to drinking it, including relaxation and potential positive impact heart disease risk.
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